Gold Rush

How to Play

Complete the online registration form to take part in our GOLD RUSH Lotto!

By paying a toonie every week you are helping the New Brunswick Provincial Exhibition raise funds for capital projects to maintain and modernize the Capital Exhibit Centre.

Here’s how to participate in our weekly 50/50 draw:

Step 1: Visit the sign-up page on our website  or come to our office at:  361 Smythe Street, Fredericton

Step 2: Complete the registration form with your information

Step 3:  Pay online when you sign up

Step 4: Pay every week or up to one year in advance, so that you always have a chance to win.

Any questions, please call the NBEX Office at 458-8819.


Forgot your number? Contact us at or call 458-8819.

Thanks for your support of the New Brunswick Provincial Exhibition’s GOLD RUSH Lotto.

The New Brunswick Provincial Exhibition is a not-for-profit organization.

All proceeds go towards facility improvements to better serve our community.