News & Updates
The NBEX is Back September 6-12!

The NBEX is back for another year. We’re pleased to be able to offer a full-slate of outdoor activities, rides, and educational experiences. Exhibits and prizes will be shown virtually again this year. But most importantly, gate admission to the NBEX grounds is free this year to celebrate the return of community events! The City of Fredericton will also host a water bottle refill station to stay hydrated and protect the environment! Important: Two COVID-19 Vaccination Shots Required to Attend Indoor Events
Please note due to the on-going public health concerns regarding COVID-19, ticketed indoor events (such as Reveen, the NBEX-Travaganza, Jimmy Flynn, GNR Tribute Band, and the NB Country Showcase) will require that all attendees show proof of full vaccination status, either a photocopy or digital copy on their mobile device.
Click here to learn more about this year’s fantastic attractions!